03-04 07:29 AM
I agree with the above !! an idea is like a spark ..once one media picks this up others will follow and you never know what it leads to. opposing an idea is Worse than doing nothing. BTW the way things are going ...GC may soon lose its grand appeal (it will still be in huge demand though ). the following article is a must read - if you have few minutes to spare --written by prominent economist. maybe a worst case scenario --but as scary as a horror movie D60F87DA734B7%7D&dist=MostReadHome
Exactly. An idea is like a spark, but you have to be mindful of what we are pledging. Can someone in one single sentence write down the intent of this poll? If I understand correctly, the idea is to alert the media/USCIS and let them know that hey if you give us GCs, we will buy a house!
So far people have only voted that they will buy a house when their I-485 gets approved. Yes, but when? The next day, next year, 2010, 2015?
singhsa3/abhijitp/etc. Just write down the idea in one sentence or at least very clearly what it is that we are saying we will do in return for a GC and by when will we deliver on our promise. And then if the idea seems doable or worth pursuing, all of us can support it.
In all reality, this is a far-fetched idea which cannot be legally binding so it would be tough for USCIS to enforce it. Flower campaign worked because USCIS knew they had done something illegal. IV has a tough time getting people here to contribute in return for getting a GC and here we are promising USCIS that we will buy a house in return for a GC. Hmmm... D60F87DA734B7%7D&dist=MostReadHome
Exactly. An idea is like a spark, but you have to be mindful of what we are pledging. Can someone in one single sentence write down the intent of this poll? If I understand correctly, the idea is to alert the media/USCIS and let them know that hey if you give us GCs, we will buy a house!
So far people have only voted that they will buy a house when their I-485 gets approved. Yes, but when? The next day, next year, 2010, 2015?
singhsa3/abhijitp/etc. Just write down the idea in one sentence or at least very clearly what it is that we are saying we will do in return for a GC and by when will we deliver on our promise. And then if the idea seems doable or worth pursuing, all of us can support it.
In all reality, this is a far-fetched idea which cannot be legally binding so it would be tough for USCIS to enforce it. Flower campaign worked because USCIS knew they had done something illegal. IV has a tough time getting people here to contribute in return for getting a GC and here we are promising USCIS that we will buy a house in return for a GC. Hmmm...
wallpaper windows xp black wallpaper.
10-12 08:27 AM
Got an RFE on 9th sept after several SLUDs in first week of september. The RFE asked for paperwork to establish that I maintained legal status during my student years. USCIS received the response on september 30th. The case status chaged to 'response review'. I have had sevreal sluds since them but no approval yet.
06-13 01:05 PM
Looks like Cirus is comming back. we should plan for our EB provisions...
Sens. McConnell & Lott on verge of passing amnesty -- unless you get in their way
THE U.S. HOUSE TODAY is dealing with many important immigration matters as it amends the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill. Your NumbersUSA Capitol Hill Team is following this closely. You can follow all amendments and votes on our special VOTE DAY page. We update at least by the hour. If you see something you want to support or oppose, don't hesitate to call your U.S. Rep.
TO BEST FIGHT THE SENATE AMNESTY, read Rosemary Jenks' short summary of all the key elements of the S. 1348 Bush/Kennedy amnesty bill as introduced. Scroll down to BACKGROUND INFORMATION.
Read short descriptions of all amendments the Senate has already passed to modify the bill. Scroll down to FINISHED VOTES.
I regret to tell you that our victory of last Thursday night has eroded to almost nothing by this morning.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Senate Republican Whip Trent Lott of Mississippi have succeeded in twisting nearly enough GOP arms to assure Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) that they can deliver the votes to pass his S. 1348 amnesty for 12-20 million illegal aliens.
Here is the pitch that McConnell and Lott are said to be using -- and the pitch that only you can persuade Republican Senators to reject:
Lawmakers are being told that they must agree to vote for cloture on the amnesty in exchange for a chance to have some favorite amendments brought up OR they will lose a chance to "sit at the table" in final fashioning of this bill.
A senior GOP leadership aide confirmed that anti-amnesty Republicans are being told by Party leadership that they “need to get on board if they want to remain relevant.”
I have some actions related to Democratic Senators that I'll detail further in this email. But our most urgent work today is with GOP Senators.
(If you live in Mississippi and Kentucky, I've already sent you your action opportunities. You have to take responsibility for the two Senators who at this moment are competing for the title of America's No. 1 and No. 2 Enemy. I am sending this alert to you so you have the additional information that is in it.)
Call their offices and tell them you have heard of the 'take-it-or-leave-it' deal they are being offered and that your advice is:
"Refuse a Seat at The Table If All They're Serving Is Rancid Mush."
Tell them that permanently legalizing 12-20 million illegal aliens and giving them permanent access to our jobs is a dish not worth fussing over. No amount of seasoning or ingredient changing can make this dish palatable to the voters of your state.
Any amendment that would truly protect Americans would be killed by the Bush/Kennedy coalition.
No matter how many amendments are allowed for votes, the end result bill will be terrible -- maybe slightly less terrible than now, but still terrible. There is no point in trading away a YES vote on cloture for the chance to offer an amendment.
You must make it clear to every one of these Senators that they will be made to pay politically over and over the next year (maybe their whole careers) for a YES vote if this bill comes up again on cloture.
Remind them that Sen. McCain has seen his front-runner status in the Presidential primary race plummet because of his highly public support for this bill.
Why would any of these Senators want to carry around that same kind of baggage?
And tell your Senators that they have all the "relevance" they need by being the representative or your state in the U.S. Senate. They don't need George Bush or Karl Rove to give them relevance, especially if relevance has to come at the expense of principle.
Yet more news media polls are being released purporting to show that the majority of the public supports this Senate amnesty bill. The big use of these polls by reporters and open-borders advocates is to supposedly prove that all of your phone calls are just a loud-mouthed minority.
The fact is that nearly all the media polls fail to offer people the choice of Attrition Through Enforcement.
When Americans are offered a choice between legalization, attrition or mass deportations, most Americans choose attrition. And an overhwelming portion choose either attrition or mass deportation.
You can find great backing of what I just said by going to our web page on polls.
OUR ARMY IS GROWING -- Let's Hold Back Disaster While We Recruit Another Army of Reinforcements
I hope you feel encouraged to know that another 4,081 Americans registered with NumbersUSA and immediately began faxing and phoning -- that was just yesterday, one day.
Day after day, the word is getting out. More and more Americans understand that they must take real action if they are to save their American quality of life.
We started the year with around 250,000 activist members. Barely a month ago, we hit the big 300,000 milestone. It looks like we will hit the 400,000 mark tomorrow!
In addition, we have a total email list of more than 1.5 million now.
Unfortunately, not everybody who connects, becomes a direct activist with us (although we assume they are having some influence among their friends and colleagues). And not all who register as activist members respond regularly to our Alerts. We know we probably need to have 2 million activist members to ensure that 500,000 are acting at any point. This is true of any organization. But we appreciate every one of you for whatever you are able to do. It all adds up to something strong.
Numbers of faxes you ordered the last two days:
Tuesday -- 89,776 faxes
Monday -- 61,647 faxes
It is imperative that we hold onto at least 9 of the 12 Democratic and Independent NO votes we got last Thursday on the cloture vote.
Phone these offices and urge them not to be taken in by the Republican leadership's pandering to Big Business lobbyists who are demanding to keep employing their 7-million-plus illegal workers and are demanding an amnesty for all the lawbreaking by the outlaw companies in the past.
Tell these Democrats that they are standing with the American workers on this and should be proud of their principled stand against Pres. Bush's dream of globalizing the American labor force.
(* Up for re-election in 2008)
* Baucus (D-Mont.)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-Calif.)
Byrd (D-WV)
Dorgan (D-ND)
* Landrieu (D-La.)
McCaskill (D-Mo.)
* Pryor (D-Ark.)
* Rockefeller(D-WV)
Sanders (I-Vt.)
Tester (D-Mont.)
Webb (D-Va.)
Last week, 45 Senators voted for cloture. It takes 60 votes for cloture to pass, thus ending a filibuster and allowing a final vote, which at this time would require at most 50 votes to pass.
The pro-amnesty Bush/Kennedy coalition has to persuade 15 Senators who voted NO last week to switch to YES if the cloture vote comes up again.
The only thing that can keep that from happening is an even larger outpouring of phone calls, faxes and local demonstrations at Senate offices, etc.
Sens. McConnell & Lott on verge of passing amnesty -- unless you get in their way
THE U.S. HOUSE TODAY is dealing with many important immigration matters as it amends the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill. Your NumbersUSA Capitol Hill Team is following this closely. You can follow all amendments and votes on our special VOTE DAY page. We update at least by the hour. If you see something you want to support or oppose, don't hesitate to call your U.S. Rep.
TO BEST FIGHT THE SENATE AMNESTY, read Rosemary Jenks' short summary of all the key elements of the S. 1348 Bush/Kennedy amnesty bill as introduced. Scroll down to BACKGROUND INFORMATION.
Read short descriptions of all amendments the Senate has already passed to modify the bill. Scroll down to FINISHED VOTES.
I regret to tell you that our victory of last Thursday night has eroded to almost nothing by this morning.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Senate Republican Whip Trent Lott of Mississippi have succeeded in twisting nearly enough GOP arms to assure Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) that they can deliver the votes to pass his S. 1348 amnesty for 12-20 million illegal aliens.
Here is the pitch that McConnell and Lott are said to be using -- and the pitch that only you can persuade Republican Senators to reject:
Lawmakers are being told that they must agree to vote for cloture on the amnesty in exchange for a chance to have some favorite amendments brought up OR they will lose a chance to "sit at the table" in final fashioning of this bill.
A senior GOP leadership aide confirmed that anti-amnesty Republicans are being told by Party leadership that they “need to get on board if they want to remain relevant.”
I have some actions related to Democratic Senators that I'll detail further in this email. But our most urgent work today is with GOP Senators.
(If you live in Mississippi and Kentucky, I've already sent you your action opportunities. You have to take responsibility for the two Senators who at this moment are competing for the title of America's No. 1 and No. 2 Enemy. I am sending this alert to you so you have the additional information that is in it.)
Call their offices and tell them you have heard of the 'take-it-or-leave-it' deal they are being offered and that your advice is:
"Refuse a Seat at The Table If All They're Serving Is Rancid Mush."
Tell them that permanently legalizing 12-20 million illegal aliens and giving them permanent access to our jobs is a dish not worth fussing over. No amount of seasoning or ingredient changing can make this dish palatable to the voters of your state.
Any amendment that would truly protect Americans would be killed by the Bush/Kennedy coalition.
No matter how many amendments are allowed for votes, the end result bill will be terrible -- maybe slightly less terrible than now, but still terrible. There is no point in trading away a YES vote on cloture for the chance to offer an amendment.
You must make it clear to every one of these Senators that they will be made to pay politically over and over the next year (maybe their whole careers) for a YES vote if this bill comes up again on cloture.
Remind them that Sen. McCain has seen his front-runner status in the Presidential primary race plummet because of his highly public support for this bill.
Why would any of these Senators want to carry around that same kind of baggage?
And tell your Senators that they have all the "relevance" they need by being the representative or your state in the U.S. Senate. They don't need George Bush or Karl Rove to give them relevance, especially if relevance has to come at the expense of principle.
Yet more news media polls are being released purporting to show that the majority of the public supports this Senate amnesty bill. The big use of these polls by reporters and open-borders advocates is to supposedly prove that all of your phone calls are just a loud-mouthed minority.
The fact is that nearly all the media polls fail to offer people the choice of Attrition Through Enforcement.
When Americans are offered a choice between legalization, attrition or mass deportations, most Americans choose attrition. And an overhwelming portion choose either attrition or mass deportation.
You can find great backing of what I just said by going to our web page on polls.
OUR ARMY IS GROWING -- Let's Hold Back Disaster While We Recruit Another Army of Reinforcements
I hope you feel encouraged to know that another 4,081 Americans registered with NumbersUSA and immediately began faxing and phoning -- that was just yesterday, one day.
Day after day, the word is getting out. More and more Americans understand that they must take real action if they are to save their American quality of life.
We started the year with around 250,000 activist members. Barely a month ago, we hit the big 300,000 milestone. It looks like we will hit the 400,000 mark tomorrow!
In addition, we have a total email list of more than 1.5 million now.
Unfortunately, not everybody who connects, becomes a direct activist with us (although we assume they are having some influence among their friends and colleagues). And not all who register as activist members respond regularly to our Alerts. We know we probably need to have 2 million activist members to ensure that 500,000 are acting at any point. This is true of any organization. But we appreciate every one of you for whatever you are able to do. It all adds up to something strong.
Numbers of faxes you ordered the last two days:
Tuesday -- 89,776 faxes
Monday -- 61,647 faxes
It is imperative that we hold onto at least 9 of the 12 Democratic and Independent NO votes we got last Thursday on the cloture vote.
Phone these offices and urge them not to be taken in by the Republican leadership's pandering to Big Business lobbyists who are demanding to keep employing their 7-million-plus illegal workers and are demanding an amnesty for all the lawbreaking by the outlaw companies in the past.
Tell these Democrats that they are standing with the American workers on this and should be proud of their principled stand against Pres. Bush's dream of globalizing the American labor force.
(* Up for re-election in 2008)
* Baucus (D-Mont.)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-Calif.)
Byrd (D-WV)
Dorgan (D-ND)
* Landrieu (D-La.)
McCaskill (D-Mo.)
* Pryor (D-Ark.)
* Rockefeller(D-WV)
Sanders (I-Vt.)
Tester (D-Mont.)
Webb (D-Va.)
Last week, 45 Senators voted for cloture. It takes 60 votes for cloture to pass, thus ending a filibuster and allowing a final vote, which at this time would require at most 50 votes to pass.
The pro-amnesty Bush/Kennedy coalition has to persuade 15 Senators who voted NO last week to switch to YES if the cloture vote comes up again.
The only thing that can keep that from happening is an even larger outpouring of phone calls, faxes and local demonstrations at Senate offices, etc.
2011 Black Ops L96 Wallpaper.
06-15 10:55 AM
Can IV as a non profit organization contribute to the campaigns of candidates running against senators like Grassley? If so IV should do it. We should defeat Senators like Grassley who do not care to understand the issues but just stick to dumb talking points. These senators just talk of foreign workers and how to stop them - not once do they initiate any bill that will actually make the US more competitive by investing in education (math and science specifically).
We will actually be doing a service to the American citizens by taking out dinosaurs like Grassley!! and also prevent frivolous bills that target high skilled immigrants!!
We will actually be doing a service to the American citizens by taking out dinosaurs like Grassley!! and also prevent frivolous bills that target high skilled immigrants!!
03-08 01:00 AM
I have same understanding - from friends, who got greencards.
There is no need to let USCIS know about changing job after 180 days of 485 filing. U should have offer / empl letter from the employer when your priority date becomes current.
Job title can be different but job duties must be similar.
Salary difference is ok but it should not be less than what is mentioned in labor certification.
In addition to this couple of my close friends got GC recently and they never notify USCIs about new job(AC 21).
There is no need to let USCIS know about changing job after 180 days of 485 filing. U should have offer / empl letter from the employer when your priority date becomes current.
Job title can be different but job duties must be similar.
Salary difference is ok but it should not be less than what is mentioned in labor certification.
In addition to this couple of my close friends got GC recently and they never notify USCIs about new job(AC 21).
02-02 08:18 PM
It is sad that none of these desi sites have come forward to help us put our ads on their sites. None has helped us in our cause, even though they are run by immigrants like us who were at one time waiting in line for their greencards. Now after getting their greencard they do not want to help the cause but instead want to make money from it. If any such site owner is reading this post and desires to help by posting our ad on your site, contact us.
Thank you for your effort to post IV messages on various websites.
could you do a search on yahoo groups, msn groups, google groups on greencard, immigration, legal immigration etc and see if those groups have many members and it is not an anti immigrant group from its intro. Then join them and start posting IV messages in them. You will find hundreds of groups. Each post will send emails to all its members.
i have already done that.I found only few groups that are active and have more members.I have posted in them.
There are several groups in yahoo, msn, google that belong to alumni of IITs, IIMs etc and a lot of their members are in USA. you can post messages in those forums too.
I didn't try that ,they may be moderated .i will give a shot.
Go through my thread- ideas to increase publicity of IV from last page to first page ( . You will find several sites and ideas to post IV messages online.
IV is grateful for your tireless effort posting messages. While all others lost their steam, you have continued your mission. We recognize your efforts and hope some others will join you to help.
I will also explore the thread and post.
Will post the links as i find a place to post.
Thank you for your effort to post IV messages on various websites.
could you do a search on yahoo groups, msn groups, google groups on greencard, immigration, legal immigration etc and see if those groups have many members and it is not an anti immigrant group from its intro. Then join them and start posting IV messages in them. You will find hundreds of groups. Each post will send emails to all its members.
i have already done that.I found only few groups that are active and have more members.I have posted in them.
There are several groups in yahoo, msn, google that belong to alumni of IITs, IIMs etc and a lot of their members are in USA. you can post messages in those forums too.
I didn't try that ,they may be moderated .i will give a shot.
Go through my thread- ideas to increase publicity of IV from last page to first page ( . You will find several sites and ideas to post IV messages online.
IV is grateful for your tireless effort posting messages. While all others lost their steam, you have continued your mission. We recognize your efforts and hope some others will join you to help.
I will also explore the thread and post.
Will post the links as i find a place to post.
02-23 08:52 AM
Poster to spread the word.. (
2010 windows xp black wallpaper

11-21 11:03 AM
You guys won't believe how glad I am to read a few posts here where some people are standing up for themselves and refusing to take bullshit from certain lousy employers. This will send a message to those kinds of employers that they can't use the immigration system and treat employees like shit while continuing to profit from these hard-working people.
abc, just one suggestion for you. If you can, hold off until your I-140 gets approved. Once that happens, your 2003 priority date will stick and you can take it with you ( USCIS internal I-140 adjudication manual for your reference ... )
I wish you all the best with your life.
lwpd )
I'm not able to open this URL? Getting the following message
404 - Requested Page Not Found on Site
The page you requested,, is not on our site.
abc, just one suggestion for you. If you can, hold off until your I-140 gets approved. Once that happens, your 2003 priority date will stick and you can take it with you ( USCIS internal I-140 adjudication manual for your reference ... )
I wish you all the best with your life.
lwpd )
I'm not able to open this URL? Getting the following message
404 - Requested Page Not Found on Site
The page you requested,, is not on our site.
04-08 11:19 AM
Pending clearance on rumors, if POE called employer, it is likely that employer(s) may answer about US Citzen hiring to yes, but it is very "generic". The "generic" information my be mis using by POE either intentional or unintentional . It is better off giving heads up to company HR department about these enquiries (if they are not rumors) and brainstrom them about procedure and time lines to hire US citizen and impact on business if non immigration is not available immediately. Otherwise, employer may say yes to hire US citizen "in general".
The 'head up' part is a good suggestion. However, if this rumor has any substance, it is highly unjust. And we trying to get around these unjust practices can only make matters worse.
Tomorrow, media can pick up this story saying, the IO did call the companys HR, in the middle of the night and the HR said it needed the H1B guy, whose papers were filed on a job requirement 2 years back. And some poiclitical nut on a news channel might promote it as a 'employer-employee' nexus.
Said that, lets believe that this might have happened, where a IO could have called the company and the company could have said something adverse to the non-immigrants status. But he being deported for that? Unless there was something else involved, the matter would defintely be with some immigration lawyer in the country.
On the IV side, core has already taken an initiative on helping people facing these unjust difficulties (extremely appreciable task).
Core should make it a permanent red-lettered sticky on the front page for people in a EB based immigration limbo to seek help.
The 'head up' part is a good suggestion. However, if this rumor has any substance, it is highly unjust. And we trying to get around these unjust practices can only make matters worse.
Tomorrow, media can pick up this story saying, the IO did call the companys HR, in the middle of the night and the HR said it needed the H1B guy, whose papers were filed on a job requirement 2 years back. And some poiclitical nut on a news channel might promote it as a 'employer-employee' nexus.
Said that, lets believe that this might have happened, where a IO could have called the company and the company could have said something adverse to the non-immigrants status. But he being deported for that? Unless there was something else involved, the matter would defintely be with some immigration lawyer in the country.
On the IV side, core has already taken an initiative on helping people facing these unjust difficulties (extremely appreciable task).
Core should make it a permanent red-lettered sticky on the front page for people in a EB based immigration limbo to seek help.
hair Windows XP Black amp; Red
02-02 09:34 AM
Sorry, but I couldn't join last night's conf. call. I was out on a business work.
Did you guys meet?
Did you guys meet?

02-27 09:38 PM
You�re welcome ;)
and...can�t wait to see!
and...can�t wait to see!
hot a lack xp wallpaper
05-26 06:33 PM
I lost you there. Being silent and possibly getting arrested is protesting in a legal manner ? Why would you do that ? There are numerous other means of doing it.
Being within 100 miles of the border ITSELF is grounds for being asked the question about your immigration status as per that law. There need not be additional suspicious activity.
Do not get me wrong, I fully agree with you on how bad it is to be subjected to such trauma. Suggesting being silent at the cost of being arrested is what bothered me from your post.
I am not sure if they asking me to step out for further questioning or even taking me to a police station would be consiered an arrest. i mean i don't think the event will be recordded in my history/profile in such a way that anyone reviewing my history will say "eb3_sep04 was arrested in NH in May 2009 for ....". I think detention is not same as arrrest, i view detention is something like cops requiring anyone wait reseonably longer (> an hour or so). they wouldn't handcuff me for not saying a word. Again these are just my thoughts, i am not an expert on those jargens.
Being within 100 miles of the border ITSELF is grounds for being asked the question about your immigration status as per that law. There need not be additional suspicious activity.
Do not get me wrong, I fully agree with you on how bad it is to be subjected to such trauma. Suggesting being silent at the cost of being arrested is what bothered me from your post.
I am not sure if they asking me to step out for further questioning or even taking me to a police station would be consiered an arrest. i mean i don't think the event will be recordded in my history/profile in such a way that anyone reviewing my history will say "eb3_sep04 was arrested in NH in May 2009 for ....". I think detention is not same as arrrest, i view detention is something like cops requiring anyone wait reseonably longer (> an hour or so). they wouldn't handcuff me for not saying a word. Again these are just my thoughts, i am not an expert on those jargens.
house Windows XP Black Theme
10-22 05:37 PM
I faxed the FOIA request.
tattoo File Name: Black Hole II
09-10 03:05 PM
You are grossly being taken advantage of - You just met an immigrant from a green card lottery country who applied for a green card over the internet and got it, thanks to the lottery. Good for him or her! But this immigrant has very basic schooling and is just now starting to look for a job in whatever. You, on the other hand, had to go through grueling interview processes at your current company and had to overcome many immigration process hurdles such as Labor certification, to prove that no American was available for your job. Even then, your green card is still many years away. Even with your U.S.-earned PhD or MAsters degree...and you may yet be laid off and forced to immediately leave the United States. If only you had been born in Iceland or Botswana or Kenya and won a green card through the USCIS lottery from an internet cafe in Nairobi!!!! No such luck though!
pictures Windows XP Ultimate Black
07-18 09:54 AM
I checked with somebody who has hired Rajiv Khanna as his lawyer. He said that those who had filed in July are fine and there is no need to re-file it.
I am still waiting to hear from my lawyer though.
I am still waiting to hear from my lawyer though.
dresses vista lack wallpaper. windows
11-22 02:54 PM
I think the salary mentioned in H1B petition could be different the one in LC. Employer is bound to pay the salary mentioned in the H1B while employee is on H1B, the salary mentioned in LC only needs to be honored after obtaining GC.
And how about the job title mentioned in the both petitions, could it be different?
For most of the people GC processing might start after 3 years working on H1B, and this might allow the changes.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
It is my understanding that when applying for a GC, until you have your LC approved (and possibly I-140), you cannot change your title or salary, beyond what was submitted in the LC application. Technically, the DOL is verifying a 'job' (and the salary related to that job), so in theory, that can't change, not because the employer doesn't want to, but because the law doesn't allow it.
Now, an employer may unofficially get around this (by increasing your bonus payout, or giving you stock, or changing the internal level of your job), but these are 'handouts' that you may get if your employer is fair.
With the backlogs that are in effect for pre-PERM LC approvals, employees can go from 1-3 years without a salary or promotion/job title change, and that is the law! Go figure.
And how about the job title mentioned in the both petitions, could it be different?
For most of the people GC processing might start after 3 years working on H1B, and this might allow the changes.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
It is my understanding that when applying for a GC, until you have your LC approved (and possibly I-140), you cannot change your title or salary, beyond what was submitted in the LC application. Technically, the DOL is verifying a 'job' (and the salary related to that job), so in theory, that can't change, not because the employer doesn't want to, but because the law doesn't allow it.
Now, an employer may unofficially get around this (by increasing your bonus payout, or giving you stock, or changing the internal level of your job), but these are 'handouts' that you may get if your employer is fair.
With the backlogs that are in effect for pre-PERM LC approvals, employees can go from 1-3 years without a salary or promotion/job title change, and that is the law! Go figure.
makeup wallpaper windows xp black
07-09 03:53 PM
I dont think legally you can sue someone, because they have worked harder.
I posted this link , so that everybody may know the legal reasons, which we can be presented in a court of law.
If this lawsuit is accepted by the court , then the USCIS lawyers would tell what exactly happened.
I till now personally believe , that the USCIS/DOS hasnt broken any law.
They may have however changed a pettern,process , but no law has been broken.
Everybody knows they didn't broke the law, but the way they followed is wrong.
I saw somebody suing her company because her colleagues are using perfumes. If this kind of US, then why should we leave them for this disaster.
What they broke is "They need to give prior notice in advance". They cannot give one-hour or one-min notice. They haven't given one-min notice also. It is outrageous. So, please don't say that they didn't broke any law.
Do you know what does it mean by notice? It should be given well in advance if you want to convey something.
They completely broke all those ethical laws.
I posted this link , so that everybody may know the legal reasons, which we can be presented in a court of law.
If this lawsuit is accepted by the court , then the USCIS lawyers would tell what exactly happened.
I till now personally believe , that the USCIS/DOS hasnt broken any law.
They may have however changed a pettern,process , but no law has been broken.
Everybody knows they didn't broke the law, but the way they followed is wrong.
I saw somebody suing her company because her colleagues are using perfumes. If this kind of US, then why should we leave them for this disaster.
What they broke is "They need to give prior notice in advance". They cannot give one-hour or one-min notice. They haven't given one-min notice also. It is outrageous. So, please don't say that they didn't broke any law.
Do you know what does it mean by notice? It should be given well in advance if you want to convey something.
They completely broke all those ethical laws.
girlfriend windows xp black wallpaper.

09-09 01:03 PM
American lawmakers have created a law that needs only top talent. By law it go from top to bottom. So they go from EB1, EB2, EB3 and so on. If we disagree, then get the law changed.
EB3 I is screwed big time and they are ignorant about this .EB3 are responsible for their own loss. I see them tracking LUDs and laugh at their ignorance of wasting their time.
They should be doing hunger strikes and do a rally in DC every month.
Else they can forget Green card coming any time soon.
EB3 I is screwed big time and they are ignorant about this .EB3 are responsible for their own loss. I see them tracking LUDs and laugh at their ignorance of wasting their time.
They should be doing hunger strikes and do a rally in DC every month.
Else they can forget Green card coming any time soon.
hairstyles Black Metal Windows Logo
01-16 07:21 AM
50$ sign up from me
and 20$ will come biweekly
and 20$ will come biweekly
07-03 11:12 PM
Do you know even to come to site and get some info also need money..
Not to hurt you but just giving one small example of why we need money...
I agree hosting /maintaining a site does take quite a bit of resources, I am not referring to it in this thread. But, I was hoping that IV can make a distinction of what it plans to do for the lawsuit from what AILF does. As I had mentioned, this would make it only more meaningful for IV members to contribute :)
I am not hurt, like I said I appreciate the effort you guys are putting in.
Also, I added another dig on the USCIS scandal: (
Guys, digging is free, and if we can get it to 1000 digs, I am sure people will begin to notice if it is sensational news.
Not to hurt you but just giving one small example of why we need money...
I agree hosting /maintaining a site does take quite a bit of resources, I am not referring to it in this thread. But, I was hoping that IV can make a distinction of what it plans to do for the lawsuit from what AILF does. As I had mentioned, this would make it only more meaningful for IV members to contribute :)
I am not hurt, like I said I appreciate the effort you guys are putting in.
Also, I added another dig on the USCIS scandal: (
Guys, digging is free, and if we can get it to 1000 digs, I am sure people will begin to notice if it is sensational news.
01-30 02:20 PM
Ok now I am confused. I was laid off while in India. Since I could not then use my H1 to reenter, I used the AP. So my I-94 is stamped as AOS. Are you saying this was not a lawful admission? Are you implying that from the time I entered the US on AP (Dec till date) is unlawful?
Since 245(k) allow status check since last lawful admission, only details that matters is, since last admission. Please note that entry into US on AP does NOT count as lawful admission. It has to be non-immigrant visa.
245(k) allows a waiver of 180 cumulative days for out-of-status since last lawful admssion (i.e. on H1/H4/L1/L2/F1 etc).
Please have all AC-21 related documents for latest job (or job offer).
Since 245(k) allow status check since last lawful admission, only details that matters is, since last admission. Please note that entry into US on AP does NOT count as lawful admission. It has to be non-immigrant visa.
245(k) allows a waiver of 180 cumulative days for out-of-status since last lawful admssion (i.e. on H1/H4/L1/L2/F1 etc).
Please have all AC-21 related documents for latest job (or job offer).
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