If you have dry skin, you'll need to pump a little moisture into your face with your soap. Look for brands of soap that contain either glycerin or a type of silicone, such as cyclomethicone or dimethicone.
If you have oily skin, you're going to want to dry up some of that grease with your soap. Oil is like a glue that sticks all the dirt and bacteria to your face. In turn, this clogs your pores and starts the cycle of eruptions and breakouts. Use a soap that contains salicylic acid.
If you have sensitive skin, you're going to need something a little milder than the typical ingredients. The important ingredient for sensitive skin types is propylene glycol.
If you have normal skin, use soaps that contain lanolin, an extract from the oil glands of sheep.
Many women may want to go through a skin cleansing routine twice: once to start the day by looking their best, and then again at night to remove any makeup before going to bed. Experts will tell you that this is a highly individualized choice. It's quite possible to harm your skin by over-treating it; scrubbing, exfoliating and kneading yourself constantly can do more harm than good.
If you have oily skin, you're going to want to dry up some of that grease with your soap. Oil is like a glue that sticks all the dirt and bacteria to your face. In turn, this clogs your pores and starts the cycle of eruptions and breakouts. Use a soap that contains salicylic acid.
If you have sensitive skin, you're going to need something a little milder than the typical ingredients. The important ingredient for sensitive skin types is propylene glycol.
If you have normal skin, use soaps that contain lanolin, an extract from the oil glands of sheep.
Many women may want to go through a skin cleansing routine twice: once to start the day by looking their best, and then again at night to remove any makeup before going to bed. Experts will tell you that this is a highly individualized choice. It's quite possible to harm your skin by over-treating it; scrubbing, exfoliating and kneading yourself constantly can do more harm than good.
Post Title → How to improve your complexion ? [ PART 1 ]