Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How to improve your complexion ? [ PART 2 ]


Tone Daily

  • Toning is the process of removing dead skin cells from your face so that the only layer visible is one of bright and healthy new cells. The average human generates a new layer of skin every two to four weeks. You can improve your complexion tremendously by sloughing off dead skin cells and getting rid of excess oil with toner. Toning also helps balance your skin's pH after cleansing.



    Moisturize Daily

  • Having cleansed and then toned your face, you're going to need to do a little mending. Those first two stages can be a little rough on the skin and even if you use products especially designed for your face's chemistry, you may nevertheless have dried it out a little. In any event, you will want to create a protective barrier on your newly pampered skin. Moisturizers act in two ways: by throwing up a barrier that traps water in your skin, and by pulling water out of the air. One kind acts like a dam (occlusive moisturizers); the other acts like a humidifier (humectant moisturizers). The most famous occlusive is petrolatum. Humectants may include ingredients such as urea or hyaluronic acid.




    Use Sunscreen

  • Two types of UV rays can damage the skin. The first, UVA rays, are known as "tanning rays" and are used in many sun lamps and other sources of artificial tanning. UVB rays are the type that cause sunburn. Using moisturizer that contains SPF 15 or higher can help protect your skin from sun damage.



    Treat Serious Skin Conditions

  • If you're suffering from acne or psoriasis, you may need a professional treatment. For mild or moderate acne, your doctor can prescribe topical treatments such as benzoyl peroxide and retinoids to clear up the sebum and unblock your pores. Sunlight and ultraviolet light can also help acne briefly, but can still damage the skin.

    Psoriasis is another skin disorder that occurs in as many as 2 percent of adults. The condition manifests itself through red patches on the skin that are covered by silvery-white scales. Though the precise causes of psoriasis are not known, most researchers believe the problem is triggered by an abnormal immune reaction against some component of the skin--common causes may include stress, injuries to the skin and, less frequently, certain medications. The reaction leads the skin to grow at about seven times the normal rate.

    A professional dermatologist or physician can treat both of these conditions.

  • Im doing all the steps that been mentioned in part 1 and 2 ! It does help, but most important drink more water and sleep early.. !

    Post Title How to improve your complexion ? [ PART 2 ]